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A CLOSE CALL (near death or panic experience)
DiveGirl55 - 4/15/2009 4:59 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 88

Have you ever almost died diving, or had a panic moment when things could have gone wrong but worked out?
Eric_R - 8/09/2014 5:56 AM
[Choose #4] I haven’t but I did rescue another diver that got hit in the face with the tethering buoy on a wreck.
RichKeller - 6/22/2013 6:32 AM
[Choose #1] A few but most were construction related, not diving related, they just occurred underwater. The only dive related accident was a tender more concerned with going to lunch then getting the diver out of the water before he shut off the compressor.
NewtoScubaHB2 - 6/16/2013 1:40 PM
[Choose #3] During an OW cert dive, I had my second stage kicked out by my instructor (my fault, following too close) at about 40 feet. I started to panic and then recovered ok.
MouthBreather - 7/08/2009 9:18 PM
[Choose #1] Not panic or near death for me. I over exerted myself in a stiff current. I had to stop swimming and BREATH. Wasn’t sure if I would pass out. Didn’t gray our or anything, just wasn’t sure what would happen.
dive_boettger - 5/22/2009 9:04 AM
[Choose #3] yup, it was when I saw a black tip reef shark
scubajoe - 5/13/2009 1:53 PM
[Choose #3] my gear became entangled I first stoped and thought and got my gear loos my training paid off
ScubaMoose42 - 5/10/2009 6:00 PM
[Choose #3] This, and I know someone who died.
GB - 5/04/2009 8:57 PM
[Choose #2] free flow at 100’ in lake at 9,000’ - rapid ascent, ran out of air
A799 - 5/01/2009 9:23 PM
[Choose #2] 73 feet deep water temp was below 50 F Massive CO2 buildup because of the cold then the tunnel vision set in my brain said that my regulator wasn’t giving me enough airand I almost bolted for the surface. Dive partner saved my bacon.
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/01/2009 11:04 AM
[Choose #2] Diving a J-valve at 90’ (no SPG) I was OOA, went to pull the J-valve and it was already down!
Pixel - 4/29/2009 8:35 AM
[Choose #3] When I was a student, another student grabbed my reg out of my mouth at 20 meters. Not cool. I took it back and gave her my octo until could get to the dive master.
Bonnielynn - 4/19/2009 11:02 PM
[Choose #3] more than a MOMENT of panic.....about 1/2 hr worth, but I remembered my diving skills and things worked out. Im still here. I do have nightmares about it from time to time and wake in a panic.
Bigdogdown - 4/19/2009 12:56 PM
[Choose #2] I had my freak out, I think that any diver that becomes good has too!!
rxatrix - 4/18/2009 9:58 PM
[Choose #1] Every dive is a near death experience. I mean DAH’ you’re going someplace you have to take your own air!
flaski - 4/17/2009 7:41 AM
[Choose #2] Crappy rental gear(tank), from that day on I have all my own stuff with back up.
RAWalker - 4/17/2009 2:03 AM
[Choose #3] had a moment during my final OW cert dive, my breathing got away from me and had to wait before my next skill. My instructor was impressed that I regained control and continued.
DiveBuddyChgo - 4/16/2009 10:13 PM
[Choose #3] A moment of panic is a learning experience
MDW - 4/16/2009 9:40 AM
[Choose #3] Drifted off the wreck and could not find way back. Relaxed and shot an ascent line. Surfaced 75 yards behind boat. No prob.
Indiana - 4/15/2009 6:54 PM
[Choose #3] 1dive came up and got a little dizzy at 30 ft