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Happy - 5/11/2011 6:57 PM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Has anyone dove in Bermuda? I am in Bermuda right now, and the diving is wonderful! There are both wrecks and reefs,and its all super close. There is so much to do, but there are so few divers here. There are currenlty 3 huge cruise ships docked here, but I can’t say that I’ve seen more that a handful of divers. Does no one know about this oasis of diving, did you know there are about 350 dive sites off this 21 square mile island? And you can dive repeatably because most the dives are super shallow, like less than 60ft! If anyone is looking for a wonderful place to dive, this is it. I would suggest this place not only for the diving, but the people here are so nice and the island is clean and beautiful as well. I am staying in a B&B called Aunt Nea’s Inn and it has been such a wonderful experience I will never stay in another hotel ever again. June and July are supposed to be the best months for diving here, so if you are looking for someplace very nice to go, this is it!
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/12/2011 9:31 AM

 I was TDY there in 62 and checked out some scuba gear from the base rec dept. 15 minutes of do’s and don’t’s and I was off on my 1st. beach dive.

 For wreck divers it’s great, everything from CSA blockaid runners to rumrunners to more recent stuff.

 Bermuda can be expensive, the water not quite as warm as the Carribean and there used to be a problem with doing more than two dives a day, not sure if they are running afternoon trips now or not.
bj139 - 5/17/2011 12:47 AM
I did Discover Scuba there in 2004. It was very nice. The water was warmer than Dutch Springs that’s for sure.