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Any divers in the Staten Island area?
Tony7781 - 3/11/2011 11:41 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Hey guys, I am finally getting back into diving after going on hiatus for a year. I am making it my goal to log LOTS of dives and get new experiences going forward. I am going to Cabo in July for my 30th bday where I am scheduled to obtain my EAN and AOW certs. I would love to find people here locally to go diving with, so I dont only have to dive when i go on vacation, but its difficuklt because I dont know anyone in my area who shares the same interest. 
slippin2darknezz - 3/11/2011 1:08 PM

Check out this club in the Big Apple.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/11/2011 1:52 PM

 I do some local beach dives to keep the gills wet, mostly Shark River during the summer and fall when the tropicals are up here.

 For local dives check out

 There is a meet-up group called Ocean Blue that is active in the area and of course BTS is coming up in two weeks and that’s a good place to find local groups too over on the last isle. Go to the DAN site for a $ off coupon and see you there.
Tony7781 - 3/14/2011 11:11 AM
Thanks for the info guys!
Slide - 1/03/2012 10:25 AM
Hey Tony7781, I have the same problem. I’m on Staten Island and the only time I can meet anyone who share’s the same interest is at a Dive shop called Village Divers in Mahattan, or every now & then I will just go out to FarRockaway to catch someone going of shore.

I just signed up for the NYC Divers volunteer program Aquarium in Coney Island take a look.