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#51875 Amazing Stories
Greg - 3/06/2010 10:27 AM
Category: General
Replies: 1

Magazines and blogging websites publish amazing scuba diving stories all the time. With so many members on (over 14,000!), we’re bound to have many of our own great stories. Stories of divers helping divers, close calls, great adventures and more.

How about we start taking our stories and promoting them to magazines and bloggers? Anyone care to help me? Anyone have publishing contacts that may be interested in re-producing our content? Anyone have the "greatest scuba story every told" that cares to share it with the world?

Lets start talking about this and make something happen!


Greg Davis
oceanbound - 3/12/2010 11:14 AM

From Greg: Magazines and blogging websites publish amazing scuba diving stories all the time. With so many members on (over 14,000!), we’re bound to have many of our own great stories. Stories of divers helping divers, close calls, great adventures and more.

How about we start taking our stories and promoting them to magazines and bloggers? Anyone care to help me? Anyone have publishing contacts that may be interested in re-producing our content? Anyone have the "greatest scuba story every told" that cares to share it with the world?

Lets start talking about this and make something happen!


Greg Davis

what about "interesting" or "educational" stories?