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Stupid spam messages!
Greg - 7/24/2007 2:51 PM
Category: General
Replies: 6

I`m sick of those stupid spammers that try to sucker people into "private conversations" or "send me money and I`ll send you more". It`s a bunch of crap! That`s why I limited the number of messages people can send per day and I add the Code that you have to type when sending messages. Can anyone think of anything else we can do to prevent this stuff? It`s gotten a lot better, but I`d love to stop it entirely.
DiveRex - 7/24/2007 3:16 PM
I don`t think you can stop it entirely Greg. There is someone out there always figuring out how to get through the back door. It has gotten a lot better though, and you probably see the spam a lot more than the users on the site. I personally haven`t been bothered with it at all except for that one time right before you did the passcode and msg limits.

My wife has a retail website and she still gets spam sent to her, even with filters put on the mail servers and at the hosting sites. Its part of being a web owner unfortunately. But if you figure something out, let me know so we can use it on her site as well! :)
Dorkfish - 7/25/2007 2:29 AM
Just curious Greg, but do you block the IP addresses those spam messages are coming from?
Greg - 7/25/2007 10:54 AM
No, it`s too easy to spoof an ip address. I think it would be a waste of my time trying to do that. What about only allowing people with a profile photo to send messages? That would at least slow them down even more. But I guess it`s not that bad...I just see more of it since I`m the admin and everyone reports the occasional spam to me. But the spammers usually give up once the realize they can`t send a message to everyone on the site in one day and I`m sure the code thing in the message gets old quick for them.
DiveRex - 7/25/2007 3:10 PM
The profile photo idea sounds good. It would for sure slow them down a little more. And most memebers that are active have a photo so it would be transparent to them anyway.
Dorkfish - 7/26/2007 5:13 AM
Would that really slow them down? I would think email verification would work better. That way they at least need to have a valid email address to receive an activation link.
Greg - 7/29/2007 4:31 PM
I already make everyone verify their email before their membership is active.