LatitudeAdjustment - 3/19/2009 2:02 PM

There are plenty of dive clubs and diving in NJ, it’s the same ocean as Staten Island :)

Divers Anonymous http://www.angelfire.com/nj4/divers/ is in Clifton and does boat and beach dives. I do some of their beach dives. Farther south in NJ is Ocean Wreck divers http://www.oceanwreckdivers.com/

There was a beach diving club based at Divers Two in Avon but I don’t know if they are still active.

OceanBlue http://www.meetup.com/oceanblue-divers/messages/boards/ is a singles meet up group from NY that sometimes has meetings on SI but they are mainly a travel group however there maybe some cold water divers among them.