Pixel - 1/03/2011 7:45 AM
When deciding what gear to buy when I had money to do so, I found that thinking long term is obvious and as others have mentioned, affordable when it comes to parts and servicing.

Also your equipment should suit you as an individual (ie: what do you want from your equipment while diving) as well as how far you would like to go in your diving. It’s also important to take your body into consideration. What is comfortable for your shape and what works best for your habits. (I for example have gear that comes on quickly and is easily adjustable once under water, from BC to fins)

EG: I went for the Mares She Dives proton reg because it’s light weight and easy to throw up through. (I get sea sick). And because a jax mouth piece is standard, jaw fatigue is non-existent. And it’s great for deep diving. (http://www.mares.com/products/regulators/regulators/proton-42-metal-she-dives/266/?region=as)

I also chose the Aqua Lung Peal I3 (air trim) Bcd as I don’t like the hose hanging my front and that I like the control of being able to deflate in any position. It has the right weight distribution to suit my needs.(Integrated as well as tank weight pockets, and loads of nifty pockets for those little treasures) And the comfort across the chest is great. Especially if you have a chest. ;) (http://www.aqualung.com/uk/content/view/215)

As for soft gear. One can never go wrong with a face fitting mask. (Mares liquid skin is great) Their Volo Power finds are also great especially if you like maximum speed with minimum kick.

I hope you find the equipment that suits you and I hope you and your kit will spend many happy years together.