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Shark Week 2013 - Snuffy commericial - Hilarious!
Greg - 7/14/2013 11:20 AM
Category: Videography
Replies: 6

You have got to watch this shark week commercial, it is awesome! The anchor man’s response at the end is great..."Holy sh@$!"
Eric_R - 7/14/2013 5:54 PM
My boys were rolling on the floor when we saw it.
TheScubaGym - 7/14/2013 6:52 PM
Love it!
John_giu - 7/15/2013 3:27 AM
should have been a scuba diver ;-)~
Greg - 7/15/2013 7:09 AM
The little girl in the video is all cute at first, with her seal stuffed animal...then she has her head buried in her dad’s chest after the attack. They did a good job on this video. Great promo.
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/15/2013 7:11 AM
On one of the Truth trips the seals were chasing flying fish, they’d bonk on the hull and become dinner or a game of catch. One bonked on deck, the girls rescued it, keeping it in a bucket until the seals tired and then threw in back overboard, it never hit the water!