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Rescue Diver Houston Texas
MaryW - 10/24/2012 8:12 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 6

any recommendations for rescue diver training in Houston, Tx area? Dh and I have AOW, and getting our Nitrox in a few weeks during our Coz vacation. I’m thinking for ME rescue cert will be next. How long does it take? Full disclosure I’m not thrilled with lake diving, but I have a desire to do rescue, if for no other reason than to be better prepared in case of an emergency during our recreational dives. Do I need CPR training prior to or is that part of the course?
dalehall - 10/25/2012 6:21 AM
Depends on what agency and where you take it, but for here in our PADI facility, Emergency First Responder/CPR is taught the night before the actual Rescue Course by our PADI EFR Instructor.. When I took Rescue, I was already CPR qualified, so I didn’t go to that portion of the class. As for the Rescue portion itself, it was taught over the course of 2 days.. Mornings in the pool and afternoons in the lake.. It is a grueling two days and it is the most fun I’ve ever had in a training course. I needed some serious Tylenol after it was over. As for the lake diving, you have to do it that way. Kinda pointless to do search and recovery drills in awesome viz water. :) We had less than 6 inch visibility in our local lake and it was perfect for S&R drills. And, you have the right attitude about it.. The PADI Rescue class teaches you NOTHING new about diving, per se. But, it will make you a better dive buddy for anyone from that point on. It will also make you better prepared for emergnecy situations. Enjoy it!! It’s a blast!!
Dutch - 10/25/2012 9:56 AM
What part of Houston are you in? If you are in the south, Maximum because they have a great instructor in Carl Griffing.
sk290 - 10/25/2012 7:12 PM
Isn’t Greg teaching anymore? I did my OW with him and had a blast!
Greg - 12/03/2012 9:02 AM
From sk290: Isn’t Greg teaching anymore? I did my OW with him and had a blast!...
I didn’t renew my insurance this year, due to new job and potential move. Will start teaching next year though, but not in Texas. Also, I usually don’t teach past Advanced Open Water.
ScottUgly - 12/03/2012 7:53 PM
I’d have to second Maximim Scuba. They are a great group of folks. They now have two locations. One in the Richmond area and one near Seabrook. They have many good instructors. If you have taken First Aid/CPR with AED from an organization like American Heart Association within the last two years, then it should count as the prerequisite for the Rescue course. I have never taken EFR from PADI. I just keep my AHA card current. The course will most likely be done at one of the local mud holes, er I mean lakes. When I did the course, we did it over two weekends. Saturdays and Sundays. I would guess this would depend on the schedule of the instructor. With the right instructor, it can be a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I recommend that you talk with several instructors so you can decide which one will suit you and your schedule best. Good luck in your search.
MaryW - 12/08/2012 11:47 AM
Thanks everyone! I live in Cypress. I will be checking out my options as springtime nears.

Greg, where are you moving? I hope it’s a good move for you! :)