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EANx Question
Jamaican2626 - 7/03/2009 12:23 PM
Category: General
Replies: 14

How many EANx divers actually have their own analyzer?

LatitudeAdjustment - 7/04/2009 8:17 AM

Any shop or liveaboard pumping nitrox will have one but having your own makes the line go faster. Make sure your name is on it because everyone will want to borrow it!

I have an OxySpy but it needs a new sensor and battery.
jed130 - 7/05/2009 1:01 PM
I use an oms analyzer.
on_two_wheels - 7/05/2009 10:35 PM
I have my own. I have actually gotten a fill before when they didn’t have one AND they were doing the mix (not bladder). How he knew it was 32% is beyond me. Regardless, I went to another shop and bought one right then. Ox-tox and such is not something I’ll leave to someone else’s word. 
dalehall - 7/06/2009 7:18 AM
Not me.. Never needed one. Any reputable fill station is going to have an analyzer. Granted, they are nice to have for convenience, but I could always find something else I’d rather spend the 200 bucks on..
nauidiver - 7/06/2009 6:32 PM
From dalehall: Not me.. Never needed one. Any reputable fill station is going to have an analyzer. Granted, they are nice to have for convenience, but I could always find something else I’d rather spend the 200 bucks on..

What he said...


Could not have said it any better
- Dale
Dive_Mistress - 7/06/2009 7:41 PM
i do - its an oxychek.
sure the shop has one for me to check my fills and then sign the log, but when i am out and about for the weekend and just get the bottles topped up, i then know what mix i am jumping over the side with.
csemenko - 7/06/2009 9:17 PM
My wife bought me an Analox at DEMA in a great price on it. I like having it for dive boat trips. I’ve dove a few places that have the tanks loaded on the boat and marked with the percentage before they are placed on the boat; however, they didn’t have an analyser on board to I love having all these dive toys. :)
OcalaJim - 7/07/2009 2:52 PM
I have an OMS anaylyzer - and I don’t dive without using it.
scubaclay - 7/07/2009 6:41 PM
I have 2, but there again I own the shop.
johng - 7/07/2009 8:18 PM

From on_two_wheels: I have my own. I have actually gotten a fill before when they didn’t have one AND they were doing the mix (not bladder). How he knew it was 32% is beyond me. Regardless, I went to another shop and bought one right then. Ox-tox and such is not something I’ll leave to someone else’s word.

Thats called a partial pressure fill it should have been covered in your class. they should have had an analyzer for you to use.

For dives under a hundred feet I would say ok to a shop analyzer. but when Im doing a deco and Im figuring out my dive plan I test it myself before the dive with my own analyzer that I maintain myself.
charstew - 7/14/2009 8:43 AM
Every fill I check mine Analox ATA. My next project is to get blending certified and fill my own.