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Revision 9/04/2012 10:49 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Map location is approximate and needs to be updated.

Submitter Comments:
This is a wonderful multi-level dive site with interesting spur and groove formations near to the shore. Start with a deep dive along the astonishing wall come up through the interesting swim throughs and enhance the experience with the safety stop time spent exploring the spurs and groves of the shallows. After the dive drive on to Ultimate Jerk Centre just before of Discovery Bay and satisfy your hunger with good jerk pork and great Red Stripe beers.

GPS point is 18 degrees 27.675 minutes North and 77degrees 21.637minutes West. Drive along the North Coast Highway, Less than 1.5km from the west of Runnaway Bay where the road comes very close to the sea just after the bridge. There is a small cove with usually a single fisherman and parking (not formal parking) for up to four cars. Wade out less than a hundred meters and dive!!!