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Revision 10/25/2012 6:55 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Copenhagen - Fort Lauderdale FL

This wreck is one of the most popular historical shipwrecks in Florida and is an Underwater Archaeological Preserve.

From The SS Copenhagen was a steamer 325’ long with a beam of 47’. The wreck is broken up along the eastern side of the Pompano Drop Off. While some of the wreckage is buried you can still make out many features of the wreck. It is nostalgic diving or snorkeling a wreck site over a hundred years old. Usually you see large schools of bait fish being chased by the rest of the food chain.

History: The British cargo ship Copenhagen was built by Priestman & Co. of Sunderland in 1898. The Copenhagen was owned by Glasgow Ship Owners Co. While en route from Philadelphia to Havana with 4,940 tons of coal, she ran aground on the Pompano Drop Off. Although the ship was unsalvageable, her cargo was saved. The Copenhagen remained partially visible above the water until WWII naval fighter pilots used her for target practice sending her to the bottom where she sits today. The Copenhagen was declared a State Underwater Archaeological Preserve in 1994.