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Revision 7/06/2020 10:21 AM by calamiaresort
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The nest - Panama

Named "the nest" because here is common to see white tip sharks, pregnant mothers, and babies. is an easy dive for all the levels. in the beginning, a sandy bottom receives us with a few rays and little school of barracudas.
is not so deep but we can see how the bottom going down, passed 10 minutes the reef structures show up and more fishes appear. The first nest is under a big old tree with a brain coral on the top.
A big white tip shark was sitting there.
Now we are 18mts underwater and the sea life is great, a lot of reef fish, snappers and hawkfish looks crazy moving fast around.
Another nest appears between two rocks covered of corals is hard to get close because the sea urchin but we can see a few juvenile sharks.
at the end of the immersion, on the shallows waters a few needle fishes swim close the surface