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Revision 6/02/2014 11:28 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Seen alot of crayfish, I dove with my dive instructor Don Heer, and fellow students. Visibility was fair. I need to stay off the bottom more, and work on bouyance and breathing more properly. I had alot of fun. Their is a slight underwater current that you got to deal with.

Went on a underwater tour with Don Heer, my scuba instructor. I was already certified up at Mike’s beach resort. I was just a tag along for this dive trip. It was actually a make-up dive certification trip for the ones who didn’t pass the first time, or couldn’t make it to Mike’s beach resort. I seen a bunch of crab, I played with one, though I didn’t hurt it. I seen a scorpion fish, leave them alone they will sting you. The tide was strong, used a lot of my leg muscles. I worked more on my equalization and being comfortable. It stopped raining.