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Revision 1/22/2013 1:18 PM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Superior Producer - Curaçao

The wreck of the Superior Producer has been gathering coral since 1977, in about 25-35 meters (80-110 feet) of depth. It’s a worthwhile and relatively easy wreck dive, when the conditions are right.

From SportDiver Planet’s 50 Greatest Dives, #25 In 1977, this 220-foot cargo ship, heavily overloaded with Christmas items bound for Colombia, sank in rough seas outside St. Annebaai harbor. Located on a sandy plateau 109 feet deep, the Producer is now home to queen angelfish, turtles, barracuda, tarpon and seahorses. Be sure to explore the massive hull and the countless rooms filled with fish and sponges. Adventurous divers can also access the Producer from shore and explore a beautiful coral reef on the safety stop. — Barry Brown