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Revision 3/04/2014 5:12 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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FYI- Our WEB site starts with us at Peava- but we have moved to Chea Village up inside Marovo Lagoon. We’re on a private Island ( Kahaini) just off Chea- located on Marovo I.- just off northern tip of Vangunu Island. 158E long Crosses 8 deg. 30 " lat in the middle of Marovo I. Chea sits on NE corner of upper right quad. We’re a stone’s throw offshore.

Kahaini House Reef
Easy shore entries in 3 different places
Depth- 0- 40 feet
What’s there:

The shallows feature stunning beds of hard corals in hues of tans, purples, blues and pinks, seagrasses and seaweeds sheltering babies and some rare species. The fish life staggers the imagination- clown fish, spine cheek anemone fish abound, colorful cardinals hover above the corals with damsels busily feeding and protecting their eggs. Wrasses, parrots, scad, mullets, diamond fish, rabbitfish, butterflies and angels round out the population.
Off shore is largely a sand shelf with innumerable "Patch reefs" consisting of a variety of corals and plants, sheltering at least 8 species of shrimp gobies, starry blennies,dragonets, barred gobies, dancing shrimps, tunicates, nudibranchs- and the list goes on and on. At the edge of the drop we find the elusive cleaner fairy shrimp, and the ever prized mandarin fish.
It is a magical place where I have spent endless hours ( one never runs out of bottom time) out there with my camera- almost always finding something new, or something I’ve never seen before.