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Revision 9/11/2012 7:41 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Cape Spalmatore offers 3 or 4 different dives, from the coast seawards. At depths ranging between 35 and 50 m (114 – 165 ft) there are particularly large rocks with canals, caves and passages - impossible to visit in just the one dive. Narrow underwater canyons offer the most wonderful variations and reflections of sunlight. Here a good deal of sea bream and corbs have made their homes while schools of amberjack swim majestically seawards, often accompanied by shoals of sharp snout bream.

Cirri’s cave is a real underwater wonder and can be accessed by a narrow entrance at a depth of 28 m (92 ft) on the reef wall. The cave reserves a surprise for all those who enter: a thick shoal of small sardines, known as ‘cirri’ to Ustican locals, moving in a huge cavern which opens up towards the sea. The silver cloud of cirri set against the intense blue of the sea is always an enchanting sight - even for the guides