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Revision 11/08/2012 8:31 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Dive this site from The Dive Bus, right across the road from Breezes / Princess Beach hotel and Seaquarium beach, close to Avilla Beach and Lions Dive Hotel.

Facilities (at The Dive Bus):

Bathroom, rinse tank, shower, private parking, dive retail shop, snacks and drinks and even divers’ accommodation on-site! 2 local restaurants on the beach across the road for lunch and/or dinner

Curacao has not 1 but 2 Car Piles - this one is reached from The Dive Bus Hut - and the other is at Vaersenbaai, also referred to as ’Off the Road’.

Obviously we at The Dive Bus think the Car Pile at Marie Pampoen is the best.... that’s because easy to reach from shore and starts a lot shallower than the one at Vaersenabaai (which is best dived by boat due to surface swim and depth).