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Revision 1/23/2013 9:28 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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This has been on my bucket list for years but now I’m getting too old for these conditions :( RayC/LatitudeAdjustment

From SportDiver Planet’s 50 Greatest Dives, #49, One of Earth’s great underwater migrations, the movable feast known as the Sardine Run isn’t an adventure for the faint of heart. It begins when your tender is launched from the shore in eight-foot waves, and continues as you pass pods of Bryde’s whales and dusky dolphins on their way to gorge on the millions of sardines that have formed massive baitballs that will migrate up the eastern coast of South Africa. The scene underwater is even wilder, as you dodge Cape gannets dive-bombing the Bacchanalian feast, picking out scraps of sardines left over from the pack-hunting dolphins and voracious sharks. It’s an adventure you’ll never forget. — DE