So here I am at the airport with a little time to reflect and a battery that can die at any moment. Let me start with the over all experience. The DomRep is a nice country, it is like many Caribbean islands in that it is poor my US standards. However, the people that I dealt with at the hotel and out side the hotel were great. Friendly and willing to help you get what you need or what ever. The one thing to remember is that the country will nickel and dime you to death. Upon arrival you pay a $10 entry fee. You receive a little ticket and before you go get your passport checked a guy takes the ticket and shreds it. The taxi to the hotel is $45 dollars, it is a about 45 min. I had a voucher but then it still cost me $30. The hotel was great, the staff outstanding and the food was fine. I did find out that my phone would not dial last night when I went to make a wakeup call. The bad thing is everything I own is damp. The humidity gets to EVERYTHING. I think my bags at 5 pound heaver. The CDTC experience was great. I had no idea what to expect so as usual I plan for the worst and hope for the best, I am never let down. The only negative thing I can say is that I wish we had more time in the water. After all we keep saying you learn to dive in the water, not the classroom. I know there are many different ways to do skills but I would like to know what the IE Evaluators are looking for. There is no standard way to do any skill but a general idea would be nice. It is also good to see how others do their skills. Some of the classroom presentations could be moved to on line and that would free up time for the pool and Open water workshops.
I received my card last night that says I am now a PADI Course Director, one of the 1%. However, to me that just means I am now free to learn how to be a Course Director. I often tell my Open Water students that now they have the knowledge to learn to dive. All I gave them were the basics. It is up to them, through continuing education and diving experience to really learn how to dive. Now it is my turn to use that same guidance. I still have a lot to learn.