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mark from Cary IL | Scuba Diver



detroit671 - 6/02/2016 12:27 PM
the site came up with a message saying warning I am under 18 ! Dont I wish.

in my late 50’s been diving since 1967
detroit671 - 6/02/2016 12:24 PM
who wants to go diving in lake Michigan looking for lost WW II fighter planes.

i have a 35 ft boat that can handle 5-6 divers and equipment easily 3 color depth finders and bottom scanner s
radar with 500 mile range. we can take the boat which is on a trailer to any launch site we need

let me know

detroit671 - 7/17/2015 10:52 AM
who wants to join me in a dive in lake Michigan to look for ww II fighters ?? would be great fun