How to properly wash your scuba gear after every dive
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How to properly wash your scuba gear after every dive


IhanaKuu - 7/22/2013 9:42 AM
Eric_R - 7/20/2013 6:55 PM
I bet this guy is preparing for a free dive under the ice and is filling his wetsuit with hot water.
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/20/2013 11:11 AM
You need a bigger rinse tank/tub, maybe something with jets and a heater :)
sillyfilly41 - 7/20/2013 9:09 AM
I do the same in the shower.
John_giu - 7/20/2013 4:57 AM
Don’t laugh. While in the Caribbean

I return from the dive boat shower in my dive skin and rinse my BC

the hang everything in the shower to dry. Never leave it on the patio in the tropical sun.