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Divebuddy Charter to Catalina Island May 31
Rich-D-Fish - 3/31/2009 2:27 AM
Category: Event
Replies: 4

If you live in Southern California, or will be visiting for the Long Beach Scuba show 5/30-31, our local Divebuddy group is planning to charter the Great Escape dive boat for the day (Sunday, May 31) for 3 dives at Catalina Island. We expect the cost to be $100 per person including air & two great meals, for up to 35 divers. If you can commit 100%, or need more info to make your decision, please e-mail ScubaRich direct at Richard4ster [ at ] Hope you can make it.

As a comparison, a day trip to Casino Point via the Catalina Express will actually cost more. This way you get to dive three different spots on the island, and not battle the crowds expected that weekend.

Rich-D-Fish - 3/31/2009 1:17 PM

24 Hours in and we already have 21 people committed. 14 more spots open. Let me know soon. This will be one big Divebuddy party!

Greg - 4/01/2009 12:16 PM
Let me know when time gets closer if you have more spots open, I can send a message to all nearby.


Cressi_Diver - 4/04/2009 6:59 PM

Hey Rich,

Put me on your last minute list, if you end up creating one.

I’m down in Baja Mexico in two weeks, and San Dieago/SF area towards the end of May, but my timetable has not been solidified yet, hence my reluctance to commit to a space just now.

I’ve hear lots about the island and its dive sites i’d really like to get onboard for this one.

Kind regards

Rich-D-Fish - 4/05/2009 1:00 AM

Hello Divebuddies.


Congratulations!! I think we may have broken a record. We sold out the Great Escape in less than 48 hours!! When I last checked yesterday evening there was only one spot left and I know at least three more people who were planning to sign up.


If you still want to go, please call the boat and add to the waiting list. With this many people I am sure a few people will either get sick or have schedule issues when we are so far away from the date. There is a VERY good chance you will still get added.