Thanksgiving weekend dive Stonington Point, CT
divemaiden - 10/28/2008 4:23 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I am hoping to get a group of divers together to dive Stonington Point in Stonington, Ct (http://www.lisrc.uconn.edu/coastalaccess/site.asp?siteid=629). Actually, I’d like to make this an S&R dive, for myself at least. My dive buddy lost his favorite mask and snorkel there and as he’ll be away visiting family that weekend, I’d like to surprise him by finding it if I can. My first choice to dive is Thanksgiving morning at 9 or 10. So, if anyone’s feasting plans are for later in the day or, like my family, on another day altogether, it would be a great day to go. My second choice would be Saturday at the same time. If there is at least one person who will dive with me, I’m fully prepared to dive on both days. Any takers?
divemaiden - 10/28/2008 4:34 AM
p.s.: I do have extra tanks and extra weights if anyone needs to borrow.
DiveNClimb - 10/28/2008 5:20 AM
Glad you will be diving, shame that the mask and snorkel are so light they may be a mile away. But we can hope. I wish you lots of luck for the S&R. Either way have a great dive. Joe