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Photo / Video Exchange
ScouterJT - 9/03/2008 5:50 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 4

So, my divebuddy and I had a great weekend of diving, we each took some pictures and videos and went our merry ways back home.

Now we want to exchange some (or all) of the photos/videos. But, shame on us, the files are pretty large and would clog our e-mail servers.

What if there was a way to transfer photos/videos via

I’m thinking ... an area where I can control access (so only the buddy I want to transfer the files to can get them) to house larger files for a short period of time (24 or 48 hours), when the period expires the system deletes the files. There would have to be some limits to avoid abuse (maybe only X Gb a month ?) and maybe only paying members could load the files.

What do you think?

What if Greg charged a modest amount (in either dollars or points?) for the service ?
jed130 - 9/03/2008 8:31 AM
have you tried an FTP site ? i think that would be your best bet.
Greg - 9/03/2008 10:54 AM
Unless he has his own website, he may not have an ftp site. I will think about this some more. It would be a nice service...but I’m not sure it’s something I want to get into. There are several file transfer services out there already on the web. I’m sure if you do a google search for it you’ll find something you can use. But I’ll give this some thought as lots of dive centers I know may be able to benefit from something like this.
bushwacker4u - 9/03/2008 11:56 AM
juist compress them down and then e-mail to who want
zraven - 9/04/2008 3:29 PM
Might want to try photo bucket