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Trash Fest
Kami - 9/01/2008 12:09 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Is anyone planning to attend Trash Fest in New Braunfels this year?
Greg - 9/01/2008 1:42 PM

Lots of us are going this year! Please RSVP at:
zraven - 9/01/2008 11:44 PM
Never been to trash fest, but have heard a lot about it and would like to go(schedule permitting). But I was wondering about air. How much to rent/fill?
Greg - 9/02/2008 8:47 AM
You will have to rent air from a dive shop nearby or in your town before you leave. I can bring 6 tanks with me and will only use 2 myself. I will rent the other 4 to divebuddy members for $5 a piece. RSVP for the trip and tell Mike (the one organizing this trip for us) if you want to use my tanks.