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wetsuits 2 piece vs 1
windwarddiver - 9/23/2020 6:04 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 7

I’ve rented wetsuits and not fond of the fight to get them on and off. So I"m wondering if a 2 piece suit is just as good? Thanks
Eric_R - 9/23/2020 11:52 PM
General speaking a two piece farmer john will keep you warmer than a one piece as long as both suits are constructed of the same material and use the same construction methods. I use to dive a farmer john but replaced it with a Aqua Lock one piece. The seems are all sealed and there are wrist and ankles seals. This suit is warmer and super easy to put on. I don’t think it is as durable as my old suit.
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/24/2020 9:39 AM
Sometimes it’s about the fit. When my daughter was shopping the farmer Jane fit her best but for me I like a one piece.
BeekeeperGreg - 9/28/2020 8:04 PM
I like my 3mm Farmer John with a 3mm top. When the water is above 72, I go topless. I am comfortable to 60 F or less. Compare to my 7mm one piece I don’t get the cold rush down my back.
DarrenBach - 1/09/2021 11:03 AM
FJ with a step-in jacket (no tail). Sleeve and ankle zippers for ease.
UnderwaterMartini - 1/09/2021 1:54 PM
Prefer one piece. My backplate sometimes tugs my shirt up, but a one piece stays in place.

I pull the legs and arms inside out, put my foot through the opening and then pulling the suit on easy.

If you’d rather slide your leg through instead, put a plastic bag on your foot. It’ll slide easier. Just make sure to add a cave line to that bag and clip it to your regulator bag so it doesn’t blow away and cause more plastic pollution.

Getting a wetsuit off is still tough, but never as bad as putting it on dry. If you want really easy, get a shell drysuit.
windwarddiver - 2/05/2021 7:12 PM
MDW thanks for the details!!