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Monterey, CA Dive Buddy - Available to dive most days
MattDives - 5/25/2020 12:51 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 11

Looking for a dive buddy that would do dives in or near the Monterey bay. Gear rentals and charter boats are closed so I’m hoping for someone with full gear that would do shore dives.
MarkO31 - 5/25/2020 4:13 PM

Possibly later this year (and periodically over the next 1.5 years) I will be in the Monterey Bay Area for work. I plan to dive while I am there. As of right now I would need to rent some equipment. Let me know if you would be interested.

monkeyboy - 6/03/2020 5:25 PM
Hey Matt, I live in san Rafael, just over the bridge by san francisco. I have time off during the week and also some weekends. I have all my gear and all tanks are filled, contact me if you would like to dive, I am open to shore dives and soon I think point lobos will open and that is a great place to dive, talk soon, ron essrig.
AOWTimN - 6/06/2020 11:38 AM
Hi Matt,
I cant wait to get back in the water however, I believe Monterey County beaches and parks are still closed to non residents, if that’s not the case I’am good to go. I am available to dive most week days.
I talked to Samantha the dive coordinator at Point Lobos last week and she said they did not have a date set yet to reopen.

MattDives - 6/09/2020 4:11 PM
Mark, Ron, Tim,

I’d be happy to dive with any or all of you. I’m also in the bay area but can do day trips down there. I hadn’t heard that beaches were off limits to non residents, I can look into that more. Point Lobos would be great once its open, but I’d be up to dive anywhere just to get back out there.

Feel free to reach out when you’re looking to go.

monkeyboy - 6/09/2020 11:51 PM
Hey Matt and Tim (hey there Tim), Point lobos is still closed, Monterey is open for shore dives to divers outside the area, I am also calling some dive boats to see if they are going out, marinas are open,must practice social distancing and mask when outside the water, optional when under water, hmmmm. I will send you guys some dates for next week and lets see if we can get into the water, Ron.
monkeyboy - 6/17/2020 3:10 PM
Hey Matt, got some free time this weekend and maybe Friday, let me know if you want to dive, Ron.
MattDives - 6/17/2020 4:15 PM
Hi Ron,

I could do Friday evening/night, but that’s the only time I’m free this weekend. Let me know if that works.

AOWTimN - 6/19/2020 1:35 AM
Hi Matt,
I am available to dive Tue, Wed, or Thur. (Perferballly Wed) next week. If any of those days work for you let me know.

(562) 755-6011
MattDives - 6/19/2020 1:00 PM
Hi Tim,
Unfortunately I can’t do Wednesday this week. I am up for anytime Tue or Thur.
monkeyboy - 6/29/2020 4:30 PM
if you are available for a dive this weekend, let me know, having a quiet 7/4, so would like to get into the water, Ron.
MattDives - 6/29/2020 8:53 PM
I am free the morning of the 4th and would love to dive. Send me a text or call me and we can hash out the details. -Matt 707-567-6267