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Rig Diving TX
Markkk - 6/09/2017 8:03 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

We should have more Oil Rigs Diving Trip in the Gulf of Mexico, heading out from Freeport. Only one dive shop who’s doing it right now, and it’s a one day 2 or 3 tank trip. However $375 pp is a little expensive for me. What do you think?
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/10/2017 10:11 AM
They burn a lot of ga$ getting out to those rig$ :( Per dive it might be more cost effective to do the Fling, stay out a few days and do a combo of rigs and Flower Gardens.
TCarlin - 6/12/2017 9:37 PM
I’m heading out of Freeport with Captain Al, Ultradive on July 15th. 2 tanks $265. Anyone want to join in? six diver max.
jever74 - 6/16/2017 11:11 AM
I will be in that area from the 21st to the 25th of august. Am looking for a good trip for during the week. Might could do it on that Saturday.