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Dutch Springs Friday May 26th Buddy Wanted
JohnDiver123 - 5/08/2017 7:26 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Anyone want to dive Dutch Springs on Friday May 26th? I’d like to spend the whole day and get in 4 1/2 hour dives. Trying out a new dry suit but should be solid enough not to ruin any dives! May bring a wetsuit as a backup just in case!
HenryFDrake - 5/09/2017 12:39 PM
I’ll go with you
JohnDiver123 - 5/09/2017 1:54 PM
Cool. Let’s connect once we get a little closer to confirm.
kickstand - 5/13/2017 11:19 AM
Would I be able to join you guys?
JohnDiver123 - 5/13/2017 1:23 PM
Absolutely. The more the merrier. I may have another 2 joining as well.
JohnDiver123 - 5/23/2017 7:18 PM
I’m pretty much confirmed for Friday and also Saturday May 27th.
kickstand - 5/25/2017 9:31 AM
Also confirming I’ll be there Friday.
JohnDiver123 - 5/25/2017 12:24 PM
Ok. I’ll be on the peninsula side. A few others are joining us. We should have a solid group.