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Dutch Springs 4/23
mattout142 - 4/18/2017 9:11 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 14

Anyone wanna dive Dutch 4/23 Sunday. New to dry suit so should be interesting..
Let me know!

About 30 dives
mike500 - 4/18/2017 7:31 PM
hi Matt, I’m looking for a buddy for Sunday April 23rd. Do you have your own gear and be at Dutch by 8:00?
mattout142 - 4/18/2017 7:53 PM
I’m going Saturday for a class I will have a rented dry suit but, if I can find a buddy I will keep the suit for diving Sunday. (I have all other gear) I can be there by opening (8:00) sunday
mike500 - 4/18/2017 8:42 PM
ok, matt sounds good. i want to do 3 dives, are you ok with that?
mattout142 - 4/18/2017 10:07 PM
Yup looking to log some dives!
Ianrhg - 4/19/2017 10:13 PM
I’m headed up to Dutch Spring myself. Will look to log three dives as well. Was hoping to get some in on Saterday also, but I don’t assume either of you plan on going in Saterday. Otherwise let me know.
I have my own gear, dove Dutch many many times. I spend about 45-50 minutes in the water there per dive.

Glad to met up if your interested in another buddy.

mattout142 - 4/20/2017 8:54 AM
Hey man! Come dive Sunday at 8am (I think we have dove before) I have a class at Dutch Saturday don’t know how long it will take I don’t want to commit to Saturday. Although I could probably do a evening/night dive but not sure if it would be worth it to you. I’m not sure what mikes plans are for Saturday.
Ianrhg - 4/20/2017 3:58 PM
Matt... drive a sports coupe? If so I remember. Are you camping overnight again? I’m thinking about doing that. Maybe. Not 100% decided... anyhow, that’s why saterday came up.

Sunday for sure.

Does your # end in 83?

mattout142 - 4/20/2017 4:15 PM
Yup thats me. I’m going to PM u
Ianrhg - 4/20/2017 8:53 PM
Mike, I’m up to dive on saterday. What time do you plan on getting in for your first?
mike500 - 4/20/2017 10:09 PM
i want to be in water by 8:30
Fugly - 4/21/2017 7:02 PM
Room for one more on Sunday ?
mattout142 - 4/21/2017 7:45 PM
Yes 8:00 if u can make it I’ll PM u
Ianrhg - 4/21/2017 8:49 PM
Yeah man! the more the merrier. Plus with large groups you can trap fish and interrogate them easier.
These pesky fish, they have shit to hide!