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Looking for a Dive Buddy, Richmond VA area
cwilson - 7/06/2016 9:48 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

I just got my certification last year and I am looking for folks who dive in the Richmond, VA area. Been wanting to get back down to Lake Phoenix but don’t want to go alone.
JCJohnson - 7/06/2016 2:40 PM
At Lake Phoenix a lot, shoot me a message.
cwilson - 7/06/2016 5:32 PM
I could do a weekday dive as long as I have enough time to arrange a day off.
DeepBluExplorer - 7/06/2016 9:06 PM
I’m always around as well. I’ll watch for dates, and see what I can do to make sure I’m available.
pastabasta - 7/16/2016 9:46 PM
I’m going tomorrow 7/17 and need a buddy. Diving ~ 5 years. Drop me a line if interested