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Florida Keys in February
Hag - 12/11/2015 9:36 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

I’m going to be in the Keys February 14 - 19. Is anyone interested in diving? It’s my 1st time there
LatitudeAdjustment - 12/11/2015 1:19 PM
Maybe, I’ll be down there but not sure where yet.
Hag - 12/11/2015 1:33 PM
OK great! Let me know and hopefully we can go diving. Do you live in the area?
LatitudeAdjustment - 12/11/2015 5:28 PM
From Hag: Do you live in the area?

No, just spend a lot of time in Florida
seeker242 - 12/25/2015 8:34 AM
I would be interested. I live about 100 miles north of Key Largo so I could easily drive down.
Hag - 12/25/2015 10:16 AM
Great! Are any days better for you? I’m planning on going 2 days. Unfortunately I’m the only diver in the group I’m going with.