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Divemaster Course - How does it cost?
neogerald - 7/01/2015 7:40 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 10

I just finished my Rescue Class and on my way to becoming a Master Scuba. I am interested in becoming a Divemaster. Do you guys have any idea how much this will cost me?
Regge - 7/01/2015 8:52 PM
I just finished it in Canada ... PADI !! We talk about $1000 + all your personnal expenses during certifications and other activities. When completed, you need a pro-insurance because you are personnaly responsable of others and you need to pay $100 a year to PADI to keep your Divemaster certification.
neogerald - 7/02/2015 4:47 PM
My local shop said around $1500. I have DAN insurance. What do you mean by pro insurance?
SeaGoat - 7/03/2015 8:51 PM
Once you’re a certified divemaster or instructor you will need liability insurance just like a doctor has to have malpractice insurance. As a dive pro, you can be held liable for any incidents that occur while divers are under your supervision and, as a result, get sued for negligence or whatever. When that happens, lawyers from the insurance company will help defend you. I have Vincencia and Buckley. You can do a search for them or use the link on PADI’s website. The V&B website will explain their services at length.
neogerald - 7/07/2015 1:18 PM
Do you guys know how much liability insurance costs?
neogerald - 7/07/2015 1:26 PM
Wow $300-593 yearly. This cost a lot of money. But then again cost it’s nothing compared when you are sued by a student duver.
WolfeDiver - 7/08/2015 7:21 AM
Ok, I am going to Chine in here... My PADI DM Course was 575+DM Crew Pack, which is about 350 + Diving Expensives (1/2 Charter Rate, however if i am in the lake helping, it was completely free... Free Air and weights). However, with other organization that i am with, I pay 75/year for my DM Certification, IT and Instructors pay 125/year + insurance. PADI You have DM/AI insurance or DM/AI Assistant Only Insurance, however the difference is only 50$ or so.
SEI, Does not require me to have Insurance as a DM, as I am covered under the store policy when I am assisting an instructor with Class and Dives. However, especially here in the US, it is worth it to have professional liability insurance. Additionally, I ALSO Have DAN Dive Accident Insurance, again, for the cost vs. what you could spend for a diving accident treatment, I dont complain about the 110 for my membership and Diving Insurance
LadyFreedom - 2/18/2016 7:42 AM
We are a Padi Dive Center
Our DM Course is $600 + Dive Master Crew Pak.
We pay the application fee. Our DM’s do part of their internship on our dive boat, and are not charged for air or boat fees. DM’s candidates do a tremendous amount of work, we do not nickle and dime them to death. We also assist our DM’s with insurance if they are going to stay on with us.
We have certified many DM’s, and have never had a problem.
I feel you have to take care of the people that take care of you.
Freedom Scuba USA
Smithsgold - 6/20/2016 5:26 PM
Mine was $550 well worth it !!!
Pdillard - 1/21/2018 1:05 PM
So what does ITC cost?