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Seasport Scuba or Tom’s Dive & Swim Flower Gardens
cm2002ss - 1/28/2015 1:59 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Planning to book a trip to the Flower Gardens and looking for feedback on any experiences traveling with these dive shops.
BillParker - 1/29/2015 6:33 AM
The dive shop doesn’t matter with the Fling. Once on board the Fling provides you with everything you need except typical personal dive equipment. All the dive shops do is act as a booking agent and collect the money for them.
Greg - 1/29/2015 4:22 PM
Personally, I have never been treated nicely at any SeaSportsScuba locations around Houston. So my vote is to give the business to another shop. Maybe they’ll wise up and get nicer one day.