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Bare Trilam Tech Dry vs. Hollis Bio Dry
fd18diver - 10/23/2014 2:14 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 2

I am looking to buy a drysuit and have come down to the two I listed here. I have been used to diving with Viking vulcanized rubber suit so not sure how a trilam feels or the Hollis flex fabric. Can anyone give me some reccomendations or thoughts?
diverray - 10/26/2014 9:27 AM
I have the Bare Trilam Tech, and am very happy with it. No problems over the past 4 years. Easy to enter and exit. Comfortable. It’s the only dry suit I’ve owned, so not able to offer any comparisons.
fd18diver - 12/29/2014 12:14 PM
Thanks for your opinion!!