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Diving as a career
Wannadive2 - 9/13/2014 11:47 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

My girlfriend and I are making the plunge into professional diving. Leaving our landlocked state and going to live the dream. What kind of advice or tips do you have? We are in research mode right now. Next year we are getting our certs and tidying up our financial commitments. Right now we are thinking Hawaii but we really don’t know anything about it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Eric_R - 9/13/2014 2:13 PM
What kind of career are you thinking about? Instructor, archaeologist, marine biologist?
bduke08 - 9/13/2014 4:10 PM
My advice would be to just get out there and do it and try not to let some of the replies that are sure to come in this post deter you from doing what you want in life. Just be aware of the pay cut you’re surely to experience from your current job. But if you can live simply then do what you want. I’m not an instructor but I’ve done my far share of forum reading and most of the time, it can be discouraging. I just think most of those people would rather live a little more comfortably then live off a scuba instructor pay, which I can’t blame them: it’s not for everyone. But do what you want man, I’m on my way to do the same. Not sure if this is the advice you were actually looking for, but just wanted you to take everyone’s advice with a grain of salt.
Greg - 9/13/2014 4:32 PM
sk290 - 9/13/2014 10:29 PM
The cost of living in Hawaii is high to be living on a diving instructor/dive master pay. Do your research and make sure you pick a place with low cost of living and lots of diving opportunities such as Mexico (Coz is awesome!) or Puerto Rico. If you are really adventurous, I hear that Southeast Asia might be good for that kind of life. Good luck and let us know where you end up.
