Gwen - 3/07/2008 10:23 AM
My first 30 dives I have Full Blade Fins. I tried my Step Mother Split Fins (Apollos) and I loved them. You could go through the water with little effort. I went out and bought a pair and have my others for just in case!
It depends on what you are doing and your kicking style. There is no quick answer. Near the surface ridgid styles do work better but once submerged split fins can have advantages dependant on your general kicking style. People with short flutter kicks tend to like the split fins. Those that tend to use more of the upper legs (larger muscles) will tend to get better propulsion from more ridgid style fins.
See I agree with you. I have both full blade and split fins. It took a little getting use to but the switch over to split fins has been great. My Buddy has always had the full blade and when he tried the split fins he didn`t like them. I think he would like them if he gave them a chance.
you have a point, and two guys that I know are pretty big boys and tend to use their long legs to kick. Very interesting to know. That could be why my buddies don`t like the split fins?
We had this discussion in our local group meeting last month.. One of the instructors that had worn both said basically what everyone here has said: Splits were much easier on the ankles and legs, but propulsion was lacking compared to non-splits. So, it all depended on what you were diving at the time. **D**
Kick less, cover more ground AND save air. Buy a scooter! I have Apollo Bio`s. Love `em. There`s a certain kick (flutter) range for max efficiency. If you over kick, you lose efficiency. Totally different learning from full fins. Once you learn it, they`re outstanding. Still prefer my scooter though...........
I have both and it depends on what kind of dive I am doing. If I need control, neutral buoyancy, the full fin gives more control, but if you want a little more speed the split fin is better. Tom
Same here, I have both Full and Split. Love my full fins in a current or any where where I think I might need more power ie cold water, lots of extra gear. I had the opportunity to try out several mfg. Split fins, decided on the Atomic Split fins. I think they are Great; super efficient, easy on the legs, great for your air. Down side, lack power in big current and haven`t figured out how to make them scull backward to pull you away from the reef easier when shooting macro. Won`t choose one over the other because I use them in different situations. If you have knee problems would highly suggest Split fins. Try to try out as many different ones as you can as stiffness/flexability are all over the place from mfg. to mfg. Lots of Dive centers offer demos to try or do as I did the first time I saw them, ask the owner to let you take them for a quick swim.
appollo bio are pretty awesome
My Scubapro Twin Jet Max fins are pretty stiff. Some people I`ve talked to said they are even `approved` for use by the tek community because of their performance and rigity.
I disagree TOTALLY that splits are bad in current. Let me preface this with saying that I used jet fins the first 30+ years of diving. When I tried splits, I quickly deduced that I needed to use very stiff ones to get the fine positioning control I wanted. Now, as to current....In PNG, I was asked to help set a tie wrap into the mooring shackle on a spot we were going to stay the night. It was on a bommie with the mooring out of the top. There was a ripping current and the divemaster and I beat it to the lee of the bommie. We then had to push over the top to the center of the bommie where the mooring was. I not only beat the divemaster to the mooring (he was 20 years younger than I) but I was not nearly as winded. In short, splits have a learning curve to get the best performance out of them. Some "experienced" divers refuse to learn new techniques. BTW, I use, almost exclusively, the frog kick while diving (except in those ripping currents).
Ed - 4/05/2008 8:07 AM
After experiencing cramps in my calf from blades I switched to split fins and haven’t had a problem since. I also use a frog kick unless there is heavy current. The only problem I’ve experienced is if your buddy has blades and you have split fins there can be problems staying together. They have to really kick just to keep up and I’m hardly moving my fins at all.