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Bonaire Marine Sanctuary Petition
BoxsterMan - 9/06/2013 12:22 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 5 you have ever been, or may ever go, or just wish you were there, sign this petition and forward to you buddies and friends. This is very important! Take action now, it only takes a few seconds.
BoxsterMan - 9/06/2013 12:27 PM
Details of this are included at the link. Short version: the local political party has decided it is ok to allow commercial development within the marine park. Bonaire was the first island in the Caribbean to designate a marine sanctuary, and is the main reason that Bonaire is a destination that has catered to divers for decades. The health of the reef, and the critters it attracts brings divers from all over the world, and therefore contributes to the economic health of the island.

IT seems that some of the politicians don’t understand that if the reef goes away, so will the divers and all the money they bring with them.

Thanks for considering this. Please sign the petition.
Rich-D-Fish - 9/06/2013 3:57 PM
Thanks for sharing the link. I haven’t been there yet, but Bonaire is on my bucket list. I just hope the reef doesn’t kick the bucket first. Petition signed.
Brian_V - 9/07/2013 6:42 PM
In my opinion, it’s the best diving I’ve found in the Caribbean so far! It’s my guess it’s that way because they became a marine park so early! It’s my hope that they keep it the way it is!
uwlover4u - 9/09/2013 7:39 AM
If Bonaire were truly dedicated to catering to divers then they would spend their money on providing platforms to enter/exit shore dives. Most places are treacherous and slippery and you can get seriously hurt out there. But all that aside, I do support the petition.