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New diver looking for dive buddies! Austin TX
KDphoto - 7/25/2013 10:23 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I just finished my open open water and nitrox certs, so I’m a beginner... gotta start somewhere! I’m looking for texas dive buddies. I want to dive as much as possible!
Greg - 7/28/2013 5:24 AM
There are a lot of divers from Texas on DiveBuddy. Use the Member Search page and send a few near you a buddy request or direct message. If you have a certain trip in mind in the future, add it to our calendar or post it in the forum.
ddfriend - 8/04/2013 5:56 AM
Donnie and Brandy Friend here in San Antonio. We would love to have you dive with us some times. We do a lot of diving at Canyon Lake. we are both Instructors