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Dive Buddy wanted for Dutch Springs PA - 5-18-2013
metrodad - 5/17/2013 4:46 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

I’m looking to do a couple of dives this weekend at Dutch Springs to test out and dust off my gear. ALso this weekend is the DUI trials at Dutch if that appeals to you.
John_giu - 5/17/2013 5:43 AM
Wow, you are an early riser.

We are doing the DUI test dives with Scubadelphia on Saturday.

They may still have tickets available and you will get more personal attention

then going to the DUI tent.

They have hours in the afternoon you can call to see if they will hold tickets at their tent.
John_giu - 5/17/2013 5:43 AM
check post
Greg - 5/17/2013 6:57 AM
See this past forum topic for good advice on last minute dive trips.
Trainman - 6/11/2013 7:59 AM
I have not yet been to dutch, but hear it is fabulous! Any weekend with some notice will work for me! Except this weekend. Im heading to maine for fathers day.