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Diving Catalina or Channel Islands California
Legasea - 4/24/2013 1:44 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

My love for diving and to Pacific Ocean is taking me to California. I’m looking for new friends and people to dive with between May 11th-15th. I will rent a car, so i will be able to get anywhere along the cost between San Diego and Santa Barbara. If you are going diving, and don’t mind fun and responsible person let me know. I’m also very interested in photography, and will have my Cannon dSLR with me. I’m looking forward to be there and to the new diving adventure :)
Rich-D-Fish - 4/24/2013 3:58 PM
I would normally have stepped up to dive with you, however, that particular week my wife and I will be in Fiji. If you have time for a boat trip that Sunday, I think you will have the best time at either Catalina or Anacapa Island. You can go to the website below and look up boats in Long Beach or San Pedro for Catalina, and Ventura for Anacapa. If you prefer to do shore diving I suggest you join the NBTT dive club on this site (free) and meet the guys. Someone in that group dive several times every week of the year just about. Have fun!

Legasea - 4/24/2013 11:02 PM
thank you Rich!!! That i very informative, and a great resource. Have fun in Fiji :). I am hoping to go there in the fall. In any case i will be back in Cali for Christmas and New year to be on Truth Aquatic livaboard to Channel islands. I did that in 20-11-2012, and regretfully missed last year, but i am definitely going back this year :)
Rich-D-Fish - 4/25/2013 7:09 AM
If you are still in town a little after that liveaboard trip, our local Divebuddy group has our traditional Xmas Anacapa trip scheduled for December 7th. I could save you a spot. Here’s a short video I made from last year’s trip.
Legasea - 4/25/2013 7:10 AM
thanks, i would have to get back to you on that :)