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Looking for dive buddy(ies) in North California
jnoon - 4/02/2013 9:56 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Just got into diving and would like to get hooked up with some people to make sure I’m able to go as often as I would like.

Living in Sacramento, but willing to drive as far south as Monterey/Carmel and as far north as Mendocino. Also willing to dive local lakes closer to home.

badintexas - 4/02/2013 10:18 AM
Welcome! This is the perfect spot to add your dive buddy request. Also, if you’re planning on heading out one weekend to a certain spot, you can send messages to a few members in the area by doing a search. Some members check forums daily while others, not as often. Good luck and let us know if you have any questions!
Canthon - 4/09/2013 10:38 AM
A great place to meet other divers, is your local clubs. I am a member of Dolphin Divers of Sacramento. It is a social club that does not require a ton of maintenance or effort. For example, this weekend we have a Abolone Dive scheduled at Ocean Cove. Yes they it is a free dive but other members SCUBA and hunt for fish and/or discovery. Its a great place to meet some good people that share a common interest. If you are into photography, AIM or Seahourses are other local (sacramento) clubs to become familiar with.

Dolphin Divers have a meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. It is not mandatory you go to them, but its a great place to socialize and meet other divers. This month it is on the 17th at 7:00 at Round Table Pizza in Orangevale. Stop by and say Hi!
LandSucks - 5/05/2013 11:01 AM
I just got all my stuff & am new to diving too. I’m in san jose & looking to go hit Monterey & Carmel as often as possible on fridays or Saturdays, maybe once a month. Brian @ (408)648-5200