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PARANORMAL DIVE SITES that would make great T.V.?
JimmyScherrer - 3/08/2013 5:32 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

A question for all dive buddies... What creepy, strange, haunted, ET infested, etc. dive sites have any of you heard of?
Rich-D-Fish - 3/09/2013 10:41 PM
From LatitudeAdjustment: When they surfaced they asked the Captain what other diveboat had been there, his answer was none!

This would make a great Twilight Zone episode!
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/10/2013 8:14 AM
I had a dream once that would have made a great Twilight episode, I did a shore dive, followed a fish into a cave and surfaced in a fountain inside a dark museum, all of the art was shipwrecks and artifacts, people where in period garb. at some point I realize this is Davey Jones Museum :(

Get back to the fountain and gear up but see my bottom time is still piling up, head for the surface but don’t make it. A fishing boat picks up my camera, has the film developed (this was the 70’s) hoping to see the shark that got me and are disappointed to only see inside shots of a museum.
malibu - 3/19/2013 6:40 AM
Thats a good question. Contact the Sci-Fy channel and ask the Ghost Hunters from TAPS! (Transatlantic Paranormal Society)