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Logging Dives from a Charter
Green_Achers - 3/01/2013 3:50 PM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 3

I’d like to log my dives we recently took with a charter but have a couple questions. This is mostly a problem because of adequate, not ability (ie, I can log them but should I?).

(1) Since this was a charter Dive Boat, do they really want their secret area pin pointed in

(2) If so, I’m not exactly sure of the locations we stopped at. Does it matter that the Dive Location I’ll have to add are off?
Green_Achers - 3/01/2013 6:00 PM
Thanks Greg!
JohnB47 - 3/20/2013 12:42 PM
You could also use the name that they called it. For instance, if you dove on the Spiegel Grove (an artificial reef "wreck" off Key Largo), the Captain would probably not tell you the latitude and longitude, but you could log it as the Spiegel Grove.