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Philippine Liveaboards for Sale
liveaboardsph - 7/09/2012 8:50 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 2

Hi. I have 4 liveaboards in the Philippines for sale. Please email me at for more info. Tubbataha reef is one of the best dive sites in the world and it is very ideal for a business venture. I’m offering my boats for sale.
Greg - 7/10/2012 8:19 AM
Can you post pics of the boats and more info on where your boats typically travel to/from? Why are you selling?
liveaboardsph - 7/10/2012 6:36 PM
Hi Greg,

We will send you the photos and the info. Can I have your email address so I can send you the pics and details of the boats.

Health reason and retirement are my reasons for selling.

Thanks for your interest
