Wow-that is an incredible video! Bravo to those involved and thanks for sharing!
Greg - 1/04/2012 5:42 AM
Once I started it, I had to finish the whole thing. I love it. Especially the part when the one guy looses the wheel barrell :). Amazing video! Now I want to go ice diving.
Same here Greg. Couldn’t stop watching. We have lots of lakes and reservoirs to ice dive in here but it’s been too warm for things to ice up let alone get thick enough to climb on. Maybe by the time march comes around I’ll get to try this.
lerpy - 1/04/2012 7:10 PM
This video is straight up trippy. Very creative the way they have done this, and the bouyancy control is amazing.
lerpy - 1/04/2012 7:16 PM
Ok so have to add some more, showed the girlfriend the video and on the first exhale she said " their upside down". Am I the only one that took a few minutes to realize this, please tell me I was not the only one that took awhile to figure it out.
I figured it out when he seemed to be walking and there was no silt...then he exhaled :)
that was one of the best and amazing videos I’ve seen.