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Halloween near Jacksonville?
djmcmath - 10/09/2011 3:58 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 11

I’m in Jacksonville on business the week of Halloween, and am thinking about going down a couple of days early to dive that weekend. I’m admittedly inexperienced (total of about an hour underwater as a qualified diver) but it just seems like it’d be a shame to fly all the way to Florida (from Maryland) and not get some diving in. I’ll go anywhere within about two hours of Jax, so Gainesville area, or any boat dives maybe? Anyone interested? Any groups doing Halloween dives?

ScubaDreaminn - 10/10/2011 7:06 AM

We belong to a meet up group and there is a big scubaboard get together over at Ginnie Springs that weekend. Not a bad place to dive for a beginner, as there are 3 different areas to check out. Haven’t decided if we are going yet or not, since right in the area, might head over for a day and check things out. But we live right in the area, so we will probably be diving somewhere, and will let you know in case you want to join us. As far as charters off Jax, there are a couple, but they go quite a ways out and prefer to have advanced divers due to the depths.



djmcmath - 10/10/2011 8:51 PM

Cool I haven’t joined scubaboard yet, but if they’re doing a meet up group there, I probably should. If there’s diving going on that weekend, I’d love to be a part of whatever’s going on. :) Do you have a link to the scubaboard event? I don’t see it readily available on their site. :(

Either way: definitely want to be diving that weekend. There’s no sense in flying all the way to Florida (from MD) if I’m not going to dive!

ScubaDreaminn - 10/11/2011 7:04 AM

Yes, I would agree that it would be a shame to come to Florida and not get to dive. I have included the links to the forum regarding the Scubaboard event and also our meetup page. We have a member Robert that is so far signed up to go, and perhaps would be willing to share a ride over if you were interested. We may pop over there on Saturday to see what is going on as well.
djmcmath - 10/11/2011 7:23 PM
Awesome, thanks for the links. It looks like I’ll fly in Friday night and arrive on site late. But I should be able to get lots of diving Saturday and Sunday. :)))

ScubaDreaminn - 10/12/2011 7:03 AM
Enjoy and hopefully you will get to come down some more to Florida and see some of the other wonderful underwater treats we have.
Greg - 10/14/2011 7:06 AM
If you go to that scubaboard event on halloween at ginnie springs, see how many of them are on divebuddy also. I’d be interested to know. Thanks, Greg
djmcmath - 10/15/2011 7:28 AM
Lars - Thanks for the local report, that’s _really_ good to know. I’m surprised it’s that variable. As of now, the plan is definitely to dive the springs this visit. It’s reasonably affordable, within my skill level, and looks like it’ll be an awesome time. And I’ll post pictures when I get back. :)

But next time I go to Jax, I may be AOW qual’d, so the off shore diving may be open to me. If so, I’ll bear your comments in mind when I’m making my decision (again). :)

djmcmath - 10/17/2011 7:45 PM
Current plan: 

Fly into Jax, arriving approx 9:30.

Get rental car and bags (cross fingers, pray to appropriate deity) and find local hotel.

Saturday AM early, get up, go pick up necessary supplies from Walmart near airport (chicken, charcoal and beer, at a minimum).

On the road for Ginnie Springs abt 9am.

Arrive approx 11:30, start diving ASAP. Set up tent, find food, etc. during surface interval.

Lars, if you’re in the Jax area, I’d carpool down with you. I don’t have to be at work until Tuesday AM, though, so I may stay in the area until Monday mid-day.
