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Nekton Cruises out of business
ScouterJT - 5/24/2010 12:41 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 8

check posting on their website
Rich-D-Fish - 5/25/2010 12:38 AM
Apparently there is some question as to whether or not they will pay back any of the money they collected for trips they will not be fulfilling. I have a couple of very unhappy divebuddies who believe they may have lost their $4,000.00. This is only hearsay, and third party to boot, but my friends were told by a Florida police officer that "many, many" people have been filing complaints adding up to over $1.2 million dollars, and the owners of the company have not been located. My friends were convinced to pay by check instead of credit card in order to gain an additional discount. Now they can’t even get their credit card company to fight for them. I wish everyone luck who were swindled by these folks. I hope the police were wrong. Sad situation.
ScouterJT - 5/25/2010 8:23 AM

here’s an interesting take from the Aggressor Fleet
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/25/2010 8:57 AM

 Sad to see Nekton go but both Explorer and Aggressor are out to hijack Nektons customer base and have deals to honor all or part of what you paid to Nekton so all is not lost.

 Nekton has been having problems for awhile so paying them by check was not a good idea.
Greg - 5/25/2010 5:06 PM
Wonder if Aggressor is going to get some money from Nekton somehow for their offer to honor Nekton reservations. Sounds like a really nice deal from Aggressor, almost to hard to believe.
SCUBASMITTY - 5/25/2010 10:12 PM
im with lat adj on this one.. they are not doing this offer out of the goodness of their hearts,getting as much of the neckton’s customer base as possible.

they could argue that since they did so, they could lay claim to some of nektons assets as well! ie cheaper buy out of their vessel’s.
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/26/2010 9:29 AM

From Greg: Wonder if Aggressor is going to get some money from Nekton somehow for their offer to honor Nekton reservations. Sounds like a really nice deal from Aggressor, almost to hard to believe.


 It’s a one time deal and a cheap way to pick up liveaboard customers that will probably be written off as advertizing.

 I’ve done a lot of Nekton trips although apparently not enough (more than I’ve done on Aggressor) and I’ve run into divers on Nekton who had never tried any other liveaboard but kept coming back to Nekton year after year, that’s what Explorer and aggressor are after!

 There is a member here who I think has spent more than twenty weeks aboard Nekton boats! I’ve met him on trips to Belize and Mayaguana.

 The only fly in the ointment I see is all Aggressor trips are more $$$ than Nekton and many of Nekton’s trips left from FLL which kept the airfare down.

GeorgiaCanuck - 6/07/2010 2:36 PM
I was on the Pilot last year around this time. Sad to see them go.