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St. Kitts Guide?
DTPolak - 3/29/2010 9:37 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 6

Hi all,

We just got PADI open water certified this past weekend in preparation for a big family vactation to St. Kitts in June.

1. Has anyone done a dive in St. Kitts and would like to share details of their experience?

2. Can anyone suggest a dive guide they used there that was good?

Many thanks!!!

Danny & Tiffany (D&T)
Greg - 3/29/2010 4:34 PM
I certified these guys, so make sure to give them lots of info :)
DTPolak - 3/29/2010 5:47 PM

You are awesome Greg - we will check these out. I did a quick search of the site for St. Kitts before I posted the forum question and didn’t see anything but I am also so new to the website that I don’t think I have found all the fun little tricks for finding info.

Please keep the info coming everyone - we are excited for St. Kitts to be our first dive experiece after our certification!!!
cobralarry - 3/30/2010 6:25 AM

I’ve dove with prodivers twice (08 and 09) while in port on a cruise. Professional run operation. Here is their link:
sharon - 4/08/2010 12:01 AM
sharon - 4/08/2010 12:12 AM
Sorry for that Blank!! St. Kitts is great especially if you like wreck dives - and, if you have the chance to get over to neighboring island Saba, it is crazy unbelievable. The Saba Marine Park offers some of the best Caribbean diving. You can take a day trip but have to fly Win Air from St. Kitts through St. Martin, and dive with either Sea Saba (Lynn Casterneau). Volcanic rock, pinnacle dives, and labirynths of coral cathedrals make this worth the side visit. One day there is plenty - Check it out online. The island is 3000 ft high and only 5 square miles - amazingly steep, wondrous, with a rainforest on the top! Just got a huge write up in the WSJ - and is listed in the 1000 places to see before you die book! I have gone there 5 times, (I go alot of different places) and assure you its not to be missed!!!